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Christina Heath
2 min read
90% of PMs Just Need One Thing to Improve Their Communication…
If you’ve ever been told you need to improve your communication skills, I'm here to tell you there’s a solid 90% chance that isn’t the case.

Christina Heath
2 min read
Here's how to influence without formal authority
So your job is to get people to do things, but you don’t have the formal authority to make them ACTUALLY want to do things. Fun times. 🙄...

Christina Heath
1 min read
Great Leadership starts with these 4 qualities...
I have a theory as to why many leaders can’t give their teams what they need. In my experience, great leadership starts with 4 qualities:...

Christina Heath
2 min read
Book List: Recommended Reading for the Strategically Aligned Project Manager
Book recommendations make my heart happy. I spend a lot of time reading and learning. And being "the project manager's strategic...
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